Jack and ME
Me and Jack's brother,Tony..
We actually been discussing whether going to sing karaoke or not for the previous day in our ' tehteh' session after our church event..During the 'yam cha' session, I met one of my Mantin's friend and coincidently i also met up with another friend who is named BoBo by us at the same time..haha..After a long period of fellowship the idea of singing karaoke suddenly strikes me..Thus,i suggested for going to sing K on the following day...1 hour later,we finally came out with a final decision.Guess what? From the photos that i have posted above,i think u got what i mean right?We really enjoying the time of being together in the karaoke room...Nice Day!
After that,we are going for bowling...My friend,Jack is preparing himself because he told me that he want to show off his PRO bowling skills to me..i really awaiting for that moment to be arrived..He he he.....Anyway,his skills are not bad...Want to have a look on our photos? You are welcomed to do so by scrolling down your mouse...It's Me..@@
I am figuring out why cant i do a STRIKE.
Jack Jack And James James
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Karaoke And Bowling day!!
Posted by SeCReT_JaMeS at 1:15 AM 2 comments
Last Page About The Joshua's Camp ^^
Yeah i got the trophy!! But nothing to be proud about as the trophy is not belong to me...SADZZz..That's the trophy for our dancing group for the 'Talent Night'..It is pretty good and marvelous job for our dancing team. I am not involving in it although i am holding the trophy for photo session right now..HA Ha ha ha...@@
Another silly posture for the trophy..Hehaaa...Enjoying with it very much..
Act cool,MAN!but...it gives no effect..SADZZzZz
This is a nice photo for me..I've been no taking photos for quite a long period already but still having that posture right? Not Bad Not Bad!!
Posted by SeCReT_JaMeS at 12:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Joshua's Camp
My youngest brother
Wohoho we look great right..@@
My '饿鬼' brother
Both of us again with different colthing
It's Me and Jeff
Both handsome boys>Jeffery and Jack
Sorry!my handsome friend.i blocked you.haha..
Posted by SeCReT_JaMeS at 2:18 PM 0 comments
在这个营会当中我认识到了一个很有意义的朋友。他的名字叫 '向清'。从小他的脚就有一点点的小毛病。我想那个毛病可称为 ‘肌肉萎缩症’ 吧!他走起路来都不是很有力,这样子他很容易地跌倒。所以很不幸的,在2004年的时候当他在上梯级时不小心跌了下来然后跌断了他的腿。医生对他说如果你再次地跌倒有很大的可能你以后不能再站起来了。他今年才跟我同年咧!! 我对她的遭遇深感到同情!
但是他好像没有放弃自己哦。靠着神的祝福他有了另一类的恩赐》》就是他很厉害会写歌噢!他的歌也蛮不错的。他曾经把歌卖个‘光良品冠’ ‘罗亿寺’ ‘S.H.E’ ‘卓文萱’ 等等.......很厉害吧!真的让我佩服到五体投地!!我真的很感谢神从来都不放弃他任何一个的子民!Praise YOU Lord!!愿神继续和大大地赐福于向清弟兄吧!
Posted by SeCReT_JaMeS at 1:08 PM 0 comments
My First Time!!
Yeah! James the humble boy finally start blogging! Wahahah...
I am very crazy and lame right?But don't worry and be happy as i am quite a nice person for you to make friend,kakaka!
I start to blog finally..Ha Ha..You all must guide me in this as i really really know nothing about this..Furthermore i am a dumb person..Please guide me! (O.0)
Hym...now my mind is totally blank! I don't know what to write already.. I think it is the time for me to do a self-introduction right? hehe!!
OK!! Let's do that!
My name is James.. But most of my friends not calling me in that way. I also wondering why my friends do not want to call me James as they like to call me 'Leng Zhai' WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! For those who are viewing my post now are going to faint right? haha i knew it..
Subsequently,I am 19 years old this year and is going to 20 very very soon as my birthday is coming soon>>(3 months later from now!)@@!
I am living in the town,Seremban which is located at the state of Negeri Sembilan,Malaysia! I am now having a long long holidays.. So,I AM FREE TO DATE!! =.=""
I think that's the end for this page..I got nothing to write anymore. For more information about me,please call the following HOTINE>>017-26xxxxx.(^^).ZZzZz..Anyway,i got the sense of joy deep down inside my heart now as i started to BLOG for the first time in my life..hahahahahahah..BYE!
Posted by SeCReT_JaMeS at 11:52 AM 0 comments